Corporate Social Responsibility
Toppan Speciality Films Private Limited engages in diverse social contribution activities which have more recently focused on the areas of education, culture, community and environment. While some of its initiatives are directly managed by the company, most have been traditionally undertaken through the umbrella CSR organization of Max group – Max India Foundation.
TSF has increased its focus on Education in recent years as an area of paramount concern in India, not only due to the lack of quality schooling but also due to the lack of focus in values like empathy and compassion. The focus of the foundation is to facilitate, monitor and ensure quality and value-based education to underprivileged children, thereby transforming their lives and those of their families and contribute to nation building.

TSF has historically also successfully addressed key challenges through several impactful interventions on ground - health awareness camps, immunization programs, health centres, cancer support, sponsoring high cost surgeries/treatments and even providing free artificial limbs and polio calipers to the needy. At TSF, a dedicated team of CSR volunteers have ensured delivery of all projects launched by MIF in Punjab.
Some of the specific education related initiatives undertaken at TSF have been in coordination with School authorities, Gram Panchayat and the local administration in deciding and providing infrastructure support to the various Government schools in the region. This includes sponsoring salaries of 4 teachers in Government Schools situated in its adopted village, Rail Majra, TSF and also enabling setting up of 4 libraries in 4 different Government Schools through an NGO to encourage students to improve their literary and reading ability. From sponsoring teachers for conducting extra coaching classes for the benefit of students in 9th and 10th Classes in the subjects of Science, Mathematics and English; to setting up a Computer and Science Lab in a Rail Majra School backed up with power back-up to ensure flawless functioning even in event of frequent power cuts, TSF has always been responsive to a variety of support requests.
Getting the local youth employment-ready has been a successful and flagship project for TSF. Since 2017, nearly 400 youth have been provided training under the learn-and-earn Apprenticeship programme. Candidates who successfully complete the Apprenticeship programme and meet the Company’s employment guidelines are retained and provided employment in the Company.

Culture is the fabric of a nation and its people. In partnership with Delhi based NGO Routes to Roots and through MIF, TSF has aimed at providing inclusive education on culture in nearly 50 schools of Punjab to strengthen and cultivate holistic development of children by exposing them to culture and classical arts and music / art appreciation. The lessons are delivered online through infrastructure installed by the Company.
COVID-19 was a challenging time the world over but it also presented us with an opportunity to serve the larger community. Our team of CSR Volunteers rose to the occasion by arranging and distributing packets of dry ration to impacted people in many villages. In partnership with MIF and associated NGOs, Community Health Centres were provided with critical medical equipment and PPE Kits to help frontline warriors (medical and para medical staff) to fight the pandemic. Financial aid was also provided to many NGOs to provide food and other daily use articles to the needy population during the peak of the pandemic.

In association with local authorities and NGOs, TSF launched COVID vaccination programmes at various places and training was also provided to build capacity of educators, teachers and frontline child protection staff on counselling students on COVID related trauma. TSF also worked in tandem with local Government authorities to prepare an Off- Site Emergency Plan for the local area, should a need arise for it in the future.

Even apart from COVID, TSF took up a project to add basic amenities to the only cremation ground in Rail Majra Village such as a roofed and ventilated room for families to sit in during the last rituals, a drinking water station, a bathroom, elevation of the level of the cremation ground and a proper drainage to ensure no flooding during heavy rain fall. While employee safety on-the-job is ensured through various safety-related initiatives, audits and personal protective equipment, road safety was also propagated through a special campaign wherein employees are encouraged and motivated to wear Helmets while driving two wheelers.

Creating awareness on conservation of environment has also been a focus point at TSF. Volunteers planted saplings in and around the Factory premises on the occasion of World Environment Day and during Van Mahotsva.

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